What we do

Floating support

Hestia’s floating support is available to you if you have physical disabilities, sensory disabilities or long-term conditions. Our support is for adults living in the community who require support to maintain their accommodation and/or their ability to live independently. Depending on your requirements, we can support you from 6 months to 2 years and focus on the core objective of promoting maximum independence to meet your specific needs.

Our service aims to minimise the use of emergency or crisis accommodation whilst encouraging independence and social inclusion. The service also supports you to access education, training and employment opportunities.

Get support

If you would like to talk to someone about your physical health, please contact 020 7378 3100


For general enquiries please contact +44 (0) 20 7378 3100

If you are from a local authority or commissioning body and would like to start working with Hestia, please contact us via our 'Commission us' form here.