Maria* is a survivor of modern slavery and has been supported by Hestia. Watch the video above to hear more of her story. 

The first time I came to Hestia, I was really down, and I didn't know where to go, where to turn to. All the time I was suspicious, and I was not opening up. I used to keep everything to myself.

So, my first surprise was the way they were talking to me and the way they told me, "It's alright, you'll be fine. We are here for you."

"Before I wouldn't open myself to somebody. But now I can talk very confident[ly] knowing that there's someone who is supporting me."

I then started relaxing a bit and trusting someone who would come and visit me. I was supported with clothing. I was supported with my education. And now I'm in college through Hestia.

Hestia is bringing people so that we can talk to them and how we feel. They also talked about the future as well for those who are coming after us. I was in a roundtable with the MPs, and they listened to us.

Before I wouldn't open myself to somebody. But now I can talk very confident[ly] knowing that there's someone who is supporting me.

Find out more about Hestia's modern slavery support:

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*Name has been changed to protect anonymity