Hestia Health

Helping people in our community live healthier lives for longer

By using research and co-production to identify the things Hestia does well, ‘Hestia Health’ is a promise to grow our partnerships and delivery so that more people can live safely and connected in resilient communities for longer. Our portfolio of support services has enabled us to develop person-centred approaches and become a leader in co-production.

Supporting people in every CCG patch in London last year, we have significant experience of developing outcome-focused services within ‘whole systems’ ways of working.

These include: co-location; inter-agency sharing of training and expertise; multi-disciplinary working and establishment of robust joint working / information sharing and care protocols with a range of statutory partners including local Trusts, the LAS and police; CCGs and Local Authorities; to wrap around support and to achieve individual and pathway outcomes.

Hestia's services include accommodation and community-based models of support. Through building on assets, we can reduce the cost of support from between £237 per day to £112,865 per year in comparison with clinical interventions. We do this through a variety of service models including:

  • Supported housing
  • Step-up and step-down care
  • GP navigation/Social prescribing
  • Peer support
  • Befriending
  • Peripatetic support
  • In-reach and hospital discharge
  • Assertive Outreach
  • Recovery/Crisis Cafés
  • Advocacy

“I was in the service for 17 years and then Hestia helped me to move out when they took over” - Jo, 45 years old

Hestia is recognised as providing effective safe services that manage the risks inherent with the diverse vulnerable client groups we work with. We invest in training our staff to recognise risk triggers and any warning signs that might indicate a relapse or crisis.

As demand for Hestia's services continues to grow, the following documents outline a sample of models that, if invested in and/or scaled, could achieve cost savings for the NHS as well as improved experience and health outcomes for the community.

Read more about the type of support we provide. 

Hestia Health About Hestia Health 
Hestia Health Crisis Alternative Services 
Hestia Health Ealing Hospital
Hestia Health Enhanced Dementia Care Service 
Hestia Health Hospital Discharge House 
Hestia Health Recovery and Rehabilitation 
Hestia Health Social Prescribing 

To find out more about how you can commission our services please visit our Commission Us page


To discuss opportunities further and to start working with Hestia, please contact:

Email: [email protected]